Survey Form

Why I built this.

  • This project was the second project in the responsive web design certification path at
  • I was challenged to build a survey form with HTML5 validation and full responsiveness using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • My survey inquires about video games. I love video games for their fun factor, aesthetics, and technical brilliance.
  • In 2018, several record breaking titles were released and my survey allows the user to pick one of five games as their "GOTY" 2018.

What I learned.

  • Using the label element is a great way to make your forms accessible to those who use screen readers to view your site.
  • Form input can be validated using the "required" attribute in HTML5.
  • Javascript enables you to add event listeners to your site, which makes it more dynamic and user friendly.
  • For example, clicking the submit button triggers an alert to popup thanking the user for completing the survey.
Form Validation & Accessibility